Quiz 3

Gastroenterology Quiz 3
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Gastroenterology Quiz 3

Test Yourself, where you stand ?

1 / 10

Disabling paraumbilical pain within 10 minutes of eating food with history of weight loss. Past history is positive for Myocardial infarction in last year indicates.

2 / 10

Which of the following have hypergastrinemia with decrease acid output?

3 / 10

Dumping syndrome is due to all except:

4 / 10

Treatment of choice in intractable ulcerative colitis:

5 / 10

Chronic inflammatory bowel disease is associated with:

6 / 10

Mutation of STK 11 and LKB1 gene is associated with?

7 / 10

All are diagnostic criteria for irritable bowel syndrome except?

8 / 10

A 30 year male with chronic diarrhoea, anemia. Most likely associated with:

9 / 10

A 3 year-old lady presents with features of malabsorption and iron deficient anaemia. Duodenal biopsy shows complete villous atrophy. Probable diagnosis is:

10 / 10

True in Menetrier's disease are A/E:

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