Quiz 1

Nutrition Quiz 1
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Nutrition Quiz 1

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1 / 10

A 24-year-old software professional presents with complaints of weakness and easy fatigability for one month. She used to work 12 to 14 hours per day and eats fast food. Her diet lacks fruits and vegetables. Hb is low and MCV=120 fl. What is the diagnosis?

2 / 10

Which of the following is the rich source of vitamin B12?

3 / 10

In which clinical scenario will neuropathic features start worsening after giving folic acid?

4 / 10

A 2 year old boy is being evaluated for severity of malnutrition. The child weighs 7 kg and measures 72 cm in length. Expected (median) weight for height, and height for age for this child are 9 kg and 86 cm respectively. According to WHO classification of undernutrition, which of the following is the correct category for this child?

5 / 10

Manifestations of Vitamin E deficiency are all except:

6 / 10

Calculate resting energy expenditure for a 70 kg sedentary sedentary man:

7 / 10

Not improving with thiamine replacement:

8 / 10

Which vitamin’s deficiency can cause lactic acidosis?

9 / 10

Which is not a cause of obesity associated hypertension

10 / 10

The Vitamin which has inhibitory effect on wound healing is:

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