Quiz 3

Cardiology Quizzes
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Cardio Quiz 3

Test Yourself, where you stand ?

1 / 10

A Patient presented with deficiency of thiamine. What could be possible outcome:

2 / 10

Most common cause of unilateral pedal edema?

3 / 10

What would you do immediately after a cardiac arrest?

4 / 10

Which of these factors is not used to assess the reliability of the relative while taking history?

5 / 10

In a patient with frost bite of the extremities, the rewarming is done at what temperature?

6 / 10

Most common cause of Secondary hypertension is?

7 / 10

Which of the following leads to hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis with hypertension?

8 / 10

Most common cause of infective endocarditis is?

9 / 10

Roth spots are seen in?

10 / 10

Hypokalemic alkalosis with hypertension is seen in:

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