Quiz 2

Fluids and Electrolytes Quiz 2
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Fluids and Electrolytes Quiz 2

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1 / 10

All are used for management of hyperkalemia except?

2 / 10

Which is the most serious side effect with sodium polystyrene sulfonate?

3 / 10

Hyperkalemia presents with all except?

4 / 10

The Maximum concentration of potassium delivered via central vein is?

5 / 10

Which one of the following is the major determinant of plasma osmolality:

6 / 10

A 30 Years old HIV positive man is admitted with confusion. Physical examination shows a blood pressure of 140/70 with no orthostasis, normal jugular venous pressure, and no edema. Serum chemistries are notable for sodium 120 mmol/L, K+ = 4.2 mmol/L, bicarbonate = 24 mmol/L, and uric acid 1.5 mg/dL. The most likely diagnosis is:

7 / 10

All are features of hypernatremia except?

8 / 10

Fever increases water losses by___________ml/day per degree Celsius:

9 / 10

Tetany may be a feature of the following except:

10 / 10

Why is tetany seen with hyperventilation:

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