The NEET PG exam dates for 2022 have been released by the National Board of Examination (NBE), along with an information bulletin. According to the latest current data, the NEET PG 2022 exam will be held on March 12. The official information bulletin contains all of the NEET PG test dates, including the publication of theRead More
Clinical case questions are differentiated by a long description of a patient’s history, physical examination findings, and perhaps the lab data. The task of a student is to go through all of this information and come up with the best appropriate response or answer to the question being asked in the exam. QUESTION TRAPS IN CLINICALRead More
Status Date Form release 1st September 2021 Registration started at 22nd September 2021 Candidates have to pay 4250 as NEET SS 2021 fees instead of usual 3750 Cutoff date for eligibility is November 30th 2021 22nd September 2021 Correction window 16 to 18th October 2021 Issuance of NEET SS admitRead More
Medical science is one of the most widespread forms of education in the world, where the bests emerge towards becoming doctors, the saviors of lives. While it is one of the most desired professions in the world, it is also, without a doubt, one of the most difficult professions to get into. Honestly, why wouldn’t itRead More
Sleeping is a concept that comes naturally to the human race. Though, as a species of intelligence, we have managed to modify it in accordance with our day-to-day lives. However, one must understand that it is crucial to have a proper schedule for resting and sleeping when one wants to give the best. Sleep plays aRead More
Motivation is the process that fuels, guides, and perpetuates goal-oriented behavior. It is what causes you to proceed, whether to get a glass of water to ease the feeling of thirst or to read a book to gain knowledge. Motivation involves the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that trigger behavior. There are namely 4 typesRead More
Tired of all the expectations! Doctors are not just burdened with work but also with a ton of expectations, from patients, their families and society as well. You don’t get to begin your day in a brilliant coloured corporate boardroom hi-fiving a good-looking colleague. Rather you usually begin and even end your day talking to aRead More
Imagine you are a month away from the exam day, your social media feed is full of stressful comments and you feel uncomfortable no matter what you do. Self-doubt creeps up on you. You start questioning your preparation, doubting whether you are on the right track and feeling as if everyone’s ahead of you in theRead More
Some tips to help you A study plan isn’t just a timetable, it’s much more than that. It details study goals, courses or syllabus to cover, time to be devoted to each, course material to study from, revision plans, tools to test your preparation, and more. Drawing a study plan helps you organize your time andRead More
Multiple choice exams can be quite tricky, especially when you’re in a race against time. However, with a bit of strategy and planning, you can take on multiple choice questions with confidence and ease. Here are three tips to help you improve your performance in MCQ exams. Eliminate the Wrong The smartest way to tackle MultipleRead More