Tricuspid Stenosis

Tricuspid Stenosis

Tricuspid stenosis

Key pick up points

–        Large a waves in JVP

–        Blunted Y descent in JVP

–        Mid-diastolic murmur

–        Pulsations in liver

Tricuspid stenosis can coexist with mitral stenosis and usually manifests after the Percutaneous mitral valvotomy has been done. Patient will develop features of right sided heart failure.


  1. Ankle edema
  2. Abdominal fullness and discomfort
  3. Fatigue and effort intolerance

Examination findings

  1. Large a wave in JVP
  2. Blunted y descent
  3. Pulsatile liver (Pre-systolic pulsations of liver)
  4. Mid diastolic murmur that increases on deep inspiration. It is best heard at Left lower sternal border in tricuspid area

Work up

  1. ECG shows evidence of left atrial enlargement with P pulmonale and right axis deviation
  2. Echo shows thickened tricuspid valve. Severe tricuspid stenosis is size less than 1 cm and transit time across narrowed valve of > 190 msec.
  3. CXR show Enlarged Right atria and dilated Superior vena cava along with azygoz vein


  1. Salt restricted diet
  2. Diuretics
  3. Valve repair or prosthetic valve deployment


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