In the last week before the INICET, focusing on high-yield, often-tested topics can maximize your efficiency. Here’s a prioritized list to help with revision of must do 12 subjects that can be revised in last few days before the exam.
- Anatomy
- Head and Neck: Cranial nerves (especially VII, IX, X), triangles of the neck, pharyngeal arches, eye muscles including palsy of nerves.
- Neuroanatomy: Spinal tracts, brainstem nuclei, cerebellar pathways, stroke syndromes like Foville syndrome vs Millard Gubler syndrome, Medial medullary syndrome vs Lateral medullary syndrome
- Thorax: Mediastinum, heart anatomy (chambers, valves), lung segments
- Abdomen and Pelvis: Blood supply, nerve supply, lymphatics, major muscles
- Embryology: Common congenital anomalies and their developmental basis
Quick Tips for the Last Week:
- Physiology
- Cardiovascular: Cardiac cycle including JVP and heart sound correlation, ECG basics, hemodynamics.
- Respiratory: Mechanics of breathing, oxygen and CO₂ transport
- Renal: Glomerular filtration, acid-base balance.
- Endocrinology: Pituitary, thyroid, adrenal hormones, and their regulation.
- Neurophysiology: Nerve conduction, reflexes, sensory pathways.
- Biochemistry
- Metabolic Pathways: Glycolysis, TCA cycle, urea cycle, and key regulatory enzymes.
- Molecular Biology: DNA/RNA structure, replication, transcription, translation.
- Vitamins and Minerals: Deficiency symptoms and biochemical roles.
- Genetics: Inheritance patterns, common genetic disorders, molecular techniques.
- Pharmacology
- Antimicrobials: Mechanisms of action, major side effects, common resistances.
- Cardiovascular Drugs: Anti-hypertensives, anti-arrhythmics, and common side effects.
- Central Nervous System: Antipsychotics, antidepressants, and antiepileptics.
- Endocrine Pharmacology: Insulin, oral hypoglycemics, and thyroid medications.
- Autonomic Nervous System: Sympathomimetics, parasympatholytics, cholinergics.
- Cell Injury and Adaptation: Apoptosis, necrosis, cellular responses.
- Inflammation and Repair: Acute and chronic inflammation, wound healing.
- Neoplasia: Tumor classification, hallmarks of cancer, oncogenes.
- Systemic Pathology: Important diseases of each system with key features.
- Hematology: Anemias, leukemias, clotting disorders.
- Microbiology
- Bacteriology: Gram-positive vs. Gram-negative, important bacteria (e.g., Staph, Strep, E. coli).
- Virology: DNA vs. RNA viruses, diseases caused by common viruses.
- Parasitology: Malaria, helminths, protozoa.
- Immunology: Hypersensitivity reactions, autoimmune diseases, vaccines.
- Forensic Medicine
- Injuries and Wounds: Types of wounds, legal aspects.
- Poisons: Common poisons, antidotes, clinical features.
- Medical Jurisprudence: Consent, negligence, legal responsibilities of doctors.
- Community Medicine
- Epidemiology: Study designs, measures of association.
- Biostatistics: Mean, median, mode, sensitivity, specificity.
- National Health Programs: Focus on major programs like RNTCP, NACP, immunization.
- Preventive Medicine: Screening, vaccination schedules, levels of prevention.
- Medicine
- Cardiology: Heart failure, arrhythmias, valvular diseases.
- Pulmonology: COPD, asthma, tuberculosis.
- Neurology: Stroke, epilepsy, movement disorders.
- Endocrinology: Diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders.
- Gastroenterology: Liver diseases, pancreatitis, malabsorption.
- Surgery
- Trauma: ATLS protocol, management of head injury, abdominal trauma.
- Abdomen: Hernias, appendicitis, intestinal obstructions.
- Thyroid and Breast: Common conditions like goiter, breast lumps.
- Vascular Surgery: Peripheral arterial disease, DVT.
- Orthopedics: Fracture types, bone healing, common pediatric conditions.
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Obstetrics: Normal labor, PPH, hypertensive disorders, antenatal care.
- Gynecology: Menstrual disorders, PCOS, fibroids.
- Reproductive Endocrinology: Infertility, contraception, menopause.
- Oncology: Cervical, breast, and ovarian cancers.
- Pediatrics
- Growth and Development: Milestones, growth charts.
- Neonatology: Newborn care, jaundice, respiratory distress.
- Infectious Diseases: Common pediatric infections, vaccine-preventable diseases.
- Nutrition: Breastfeeding, malnutrition.
Staying calm and avoiding burnout is crucial. Take breaks, focus on weaknesses if any, and keep confidence high. Good luck!